Advocating for abuse survivors, Human Rights and Legal Reform

At Riverlight, we:

  • Amplify the voices of victims and survivors of abuse

  • Campaign to uphold human rights and drive law reform

  • Raise social awareness that sheds light on the complex dynamics of abuse and oppressive legislation

  • Beyond campaigning and raising awareness, we provide direct support to victims and survivors through our online support groups

  • Domestic violence is not just a personal or private issue - it is a public health issue that requires a comprehensive response from policymakers, healthcare providers, law enforcement, and community organisations.

  • Domestic violence is often underreported. Many victims do not report abuse to the authorities due to fear, shame, or lack of resources.

  • It takes on average 7 attempts before a victim leaves their abuser.

  • Domestic violence disproportionately affects women and girls. In the UK, an estimated 1.6 million women experienced domestic abuse in the year 2020.


What People Are Saying About Riverlight

“Your work is SO important, thank you for being the voice for so many who are too scared to make their own voice heard. And especially thank you for challenging the UK court system which seems set up to defer to abusers.”

— Anonymous

“Your content is so validating. Thank you for being a source of strength.”

— Anonymous

“Thank you for articulating what so many of us are struggling to verbalise right now. Thank you for making me feel seen and understood.”

— Anonymous

“To the heroes behind this organisation: THANK YOU!”

— Anonymous